Poor, Pedro. We really beat the crap out of him, especially MarC who sheared a tootsie roll in the process. At least we saved his hooves, which stayed enthroned up high in our kitchen for the rest of the year. That Cinco de Mayo party has got to be one of my favorite Mat Sci get-togethers still to this day. Anyone else concur? I mean, look at all this food?

It was so cute how we all worked together to put this delicious meal on the table. And who could forget Pin the Tail on the Donkey? I think Praneet won that one, but we all think he cheated. ;)
Too bad that tradition didn't continue. No one has thrown a Cinco de Mayo party since then (I don't think...). Now we are old and do boring things, like bar hop in Evanston. Tonight! Hope to see you there.
Holy frijoles. I just like saying that.