Friday, April 23, 2010

Mat Sci Romance

There are totally 2 grad students standing somewhere in Cook having a really good time talking, laughing and giggling for the past 45+ minutes. Oooooh la la!

That brings me to the subject of Mat Sci romance...!!!

As I look at the face sheets, I can count a good number of inter-department relationships, past and present. 13-14 mat sci couples between the classes that entered from 2004-2009. Good thing? Bad thing? Neutral?

Obviously it is tough to meet people outside the department when we are couped up in the lab all day and even some weekends. It's only natural that you start becoming attracted to the people you see everyday, walking through the halls of Cook/Tech, no matter how cool/uncool the "outside world" thinks they are, whether they are wearing safety goggles on their heads, or haven't showered for a few days, or are wearing the same pair of jeans for the past 3 days. We all start looking good at some point, right? haha. [In all honesty, the Mat Sci dept. is one of the coolest grad student engineering/science departments (don't listen to the Chemists). We tend to be more in tune with the rest of the world and be able to socialize and talk with others much less awkwardly than grad students of other majors (think comp. sci. or theoretical]

Back to what's so wrong with dating people within the department or, heaven forbid, within your same lab? I think you can answer that for yourselves and feel free to comment, but I'd like to point out that our department has proven that it actually CAN and DOES work out. For example...KATIE AND SHELDON! CONGRATS ON THE ENGAGEMENT!!! Ok, Sheldon is no longer in our department, but he is so dope that he will forever be a Mat Sci-er in my heart. Another noteable - Lesley and Tommy. Yeahhh! and whoa they are in the same lab too! Last example - Les and Courtney. Remember how fun they were and how cute they were constantly poking fun at each other? Les just dropped by my office so that's also how I got on this subject, but additionally, his visit got me thinking about the good ol' days and made me realize how different the department is now, but that's a subject to save for another day.


  1. i think the men of matsci are hot! tee hee
    no seriously, waaaay more attractive on average than the guys in chemistry. or EE. or most of the other nerd departments. anybody else? opinions?

  2. My thoughts on Department-cest are mixed.

    On the one hand, it somehow feels like admitting defeat. Admitting that you can't break out of the department because it's just too hard to meet people on the Outside. And it certainly is hard.

    On the other hand, as Steph said, we do spend an awful lot of time with other MatSci's, and we certainly are a cool group of people.
