In the spirit of election season, our past presidents will soon be posting about their MSSA experiences - the good, the bad, the ugly.
Yes, folks, right here is where you will hear it all!
[This is my first attempt at calling out people to post - ahem, Harold, Alok, Matt Johnson, George...Who was before Harold, btw?]
Your source for NU Matsci news, random thoughts, and shenanigans
Friday, April 30, 2010
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Somebody doesn't have to put on the red light anymore- SINCE HE'S GONNA BE A POP SENSATION!
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
MSSA Elections
Rumor has it that nominations for the 2010/2011 MSSA board will be requested within the next few days. Start thinking about who you'd like to nominate.
If anyone actually reads the McCormick News Bulletins, you'll find today's issue flooded with Mat Sci representation.
Seidman, Olvera, Mirkin, Barnett, undergrad Kelsey, and old man Jon Servaites ($$$).
$10,000 in some Dow Sustainability Challenge?! Guess who's buying the drinks next time we go out... ;)
Why is our department so awesome?!
Seidman, Olvera, Mirkin, Barnett, undergrad Kelsey, and old man Jon Servaites ($$$).
$10,000 in some Dow Sustainability Challenge?! Guess who's buying the drinks next time we go out... ;)
Why is our department so awesome?!
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
On IM Sports...
...not really. Sorry. This is about where you change your clothes for IM Sports, into those spiffy Mat Sci diamond cubic(?) structure uniforms.
How many of you change in your office? I find it much simpler to quickly change in the office than in the restroom, which requires you to lug all your clothes (and shoes) there, meticulously hang clothes on the hooks of the door or plop them over the top, and then somehow balance yourself on one leg as you change out of your tight jeans without falling over and landing in the toilet. Wow, so dangerous! So I admit it, yes, I'm an office changer. There are risks involved, however, including: 1. Officemates coming back unexpectedly, 2. Polish cleaning ladies walking in, and, 3. People peeking through the windows. Fortunately, #1 and #2 are non-issues for the most part since these people are on pretty standard schedules. I've also come up with a failsafe - sliding the office chair up against the door for those days I'm extra-paranoid. For #3 there's a handy-dandy giant pillar that I can stand behind and besides, how many creeps are peeking through grad student office windows anyway?
Anyhow, no big deal, right? Changing in the office/lab is quite common from what I've been hearing around the dept. What, then, are the associated problems you ask? Well...take a look at this:

Hmmm...yeah. Now how would you feel coming back to this from a hard day's work in the lab? Pants just lying there, on the ground, untouched, as if the person just dropped their pants, stepped out of them, and left. I can see the crotch area of the jeans! There's something gross and NSFW about it, no? I don't know about you, but this is not professional!
I've also heard about another person (not to be named Mr. mid-dubs4life) who changes in their lab/office WITH people there. Okay, that's just a-whole-nother level. Do you think people want to see your boxers in their faces when they are on IDL??? Do they want to smell your gym shoes as they segment their lives away on Photoshop? Seriously, I think that's where the line is drawn. (Yeah, I'm talking to you. You know who you are. I'm just sticking up for your poor officemates who haven't said anything to you although I think they should!)
So, in conclusion, office-changing is totally acceptable, but only if there is no evidence of it.
(DISCLAIMER: The pic was a set-up, although it HAS happened before, but it is sort of a running joke now. So don't give my officemate dirty looks next time you see him.)
I'd love to hear your thoughts on this subject...
How many of you change in your office? I find it much simpler to quickly change in the office than in the restroom, which requires you to lug all your clothes (and shoes) there, meticulously hang clothes on the hooks of the door or plop them over the top, and then somehow balance yourself on one leg as you change out of your tight jeans without falling over and landing in the toilet. Wow, so dangerous! So I admit it, yes, I'm an office changer. There are risks involved, however, including: 1. Officemates coming back unexpectedly, 2. Polish cleaning ladies walking in, and, 3. People peeking through the windows. Fortunately, #1 and #2 are non-issues for the most part since these people are on pretty standard schedules. I've also come up with a failsafe - sliding the office chair up against the door for those days I'm extra-paranoid. For #3 there's a handy-dandy giant pillar that I can stand behind and besides, how many creeps are peeking through grad student office windows anyway?
Anyhow, no big deal, right? Changing in the office/lab is quite common from what I've been hearing around the dept. What, then, are the associated problems you ask? Well...take a look at this:

Hmmm...yeah. Now how would you feel coming back to this from a hard day's work in the lab? Pants just lying there, on the ground, untouched, as if the person just dropped their pants, stepped out of them, and left. I can see the crotch area of the jeans! There's something gross and NSFW about it, no? I don't know about you, but this is not professional!
I've also heard about another person (not to be named Mr. mid-dubs4life) who changes in their lab/office WITH people there. Okay, that's just a-whole-nother level. Do you think people want to see your boxers in their faces when they are on IDL??? Do they want to smell your gym shoes as they segment their lives away on Photoshop? Seriously, I think that's where the line is drawn. (Yeah, I'm talking to you. You know who you are. I'm just sticking up for your poor officemates who haven't said anything to you although I think they should!)
So, in conclusion, office-changing is totally acceptable, but only if there is no evidence of it.
(DISCLAIMER: The pic was a set-up, although it HAS happened before, but it is sort of a running joke now. So don't give my officemate dirty looks next time you see him.)
I'd love to hear your thoughts on this subject...

Right now, people are giving away bottles of POM - Iced Coffee in the front of Tech (very front along Sheridan). It also comes with a $1 coupon if you like those.
The verdict? Comes in this cute little grenade shaped bottle. Tastes good as with any sugary coffee drink. Slightly chocolatey. It claims to have the antioxidants found in pomegranate, but no pomegranate taste, so no worries. Fat free, 190 calories, but a little high in sugar, imo (30 g). Go get yours now! It's worth the walk out to the front of Tech.
Oh yeah, it has 175 mg of caffeine so this will definitely take you through colloquium today. (Normal cup of coffee has ~100 mg.)
Friday, April 23, 2010
Mat Sci Romance
There are totally 2 grad students standing somewhere in Cook having a really good time talking, laughing and giggling for the past 45+ minutes. Oooooh la la!
That brings me to the subject of Mat Sci romance...!!!
As I look at the face sheets, I can count a good number of inter-department relationships, past and present. 13-14 mat sci couples between the classes that entered from 2004-2009. Good thing? Bad thing? Neutral?
Obviously it is tough to meet people outside the department when we are couped up in the lab all day and even some weekends. It's only natural that you start becoming attracted to the people you see everyday, walking through the halls of Cook/Tech, no matter how cool/uncool the "outside world" thinks they are, whether they are wearing safety goggles on their heads, or haven't showered for a few days, or are wearing the same pair of jeans for the past 3 days. We all start looking good at some point, right? haha. [In all honesty, the Mat Sci dept. is one of the coolest grad student engineering/science departments (don't listen to the Chemists). We tend to be more in tune with the rest of the world and be able to socialize and talk with others much less awkwardly than grad students of other majors (think comp. sci. or theoretical]
Back to what's so wrong with dating people within the department or, heaven forbid, within your same lab? I think you can answer that for yourselves and feel free to comment, but I'd like to point out that our department has proven that it actually CAN and DOES work out. For example...KATIE AND SHELDON! CONGRATS ON THE ENGAGEMENT!!! Ok, Sheldon is no longer in our department, but he is so dope that he will forever be a Mat Sci-er in my heart. Another noteable - Lesley and Tommy. Yeahhh! and whoa they are in the same lab too! Last example - Les and Courtney. Remember how fun they were and how cute they were constantly poking fun at each other? Les just dropped by my office so that's also how I got on this subject, but additionally, his visit got me thinking about the good ol' days and made me realize how different the department is now, but that's a subject to save for another day.
That brings me to the subject of Mat Sci romance...!!!
As I look at the face sheets, I can count a good number of inter-department relationships, past and present. 13-14 mat sci couples between the classes that entered from 2004-2009. Good thing? Bad thing? Neutral?
Obviously it is tough to meet people outside the department when we are couped up in the lab all day and even some weekends. It's only natural that you start becoming attracted to the people you see everyday, walking through the halls of Cook/Tech, no matter how cool/uncool the "outside world" thinks they are, whether they are wearing safety goggles on their heads, or haven't showered for a few days, or are wearing the same pair of jeans for the past 3 days. We all start looking good at some point, right? haha. [In all honesty, the Mat Sci dept. is one of the coolest grad student engineering/science departments (don't listen to the Chemists). We tend to be more in tune with the rest of the world and be able to socialize and talk with others much less awkwardly than grad students of other majors (think comp. sci. or theoretical]
Back to what's so wrong with dating people within the department or, heaven forbid, within your same lab? I think you can answer that for yourselves and feel free to comment, but I'd like to point out that our department has proven that it actually CAN and DOES work out. For example...KATIE AND SHELDON! CONGRATS ON THE ENGAGEMENT!!! Ok, Sheldon is no longer in our department, but he is so dope that he will forever be a Mat Sci-er in my heart. Another noteable - Lesley and Tommy. Yeahhh! and whoa they are in the same lab too! Last example - Les and Courtney. Remember how fun they were and how cute they were constantly poking fun at each other? Les just dropped by my office so that's also how I got on this subject, but additionally, his visit got me thinking about the good ol' days and made me realize how different the department is now, but that's a subject to save for another day.
The Blog Lives On...
Sources tell me that there is plenty to be said in gossip form. So the blog shall continue...Woohoo! Also, very excited about the forum. Ted's done a great job starting it up. Check it out, beta version.
Forums are in Beta
So for the few that read this blog, as Steph said, we've created a forum that's currently in the beta phase. The link is
Steph and I are the only moderators so far, but we are definitely not opposed to having a few more to help run the forums, and the crowd here is probably a good start. Anyways, take a look, let us know what you think - we want this to be a community effort, so feel free to criticize and provide feedback. Probably next week we'll go "public" with the forums (i.e. the launch will consist of all of us putting the link in our gchat away messages...)
Steph and I are the only moderators so far, but we are definitely not opposed to having a few more to help run the forums, and the crowd here is probably a good start. Anyways, take a look, let us know what you think - we want this to be a community effort, so feel free to criticize and provide feedback. Probably next week we'll go "public" with the forums (i.e. the launch will consist of all of us putting the link in our gchat away messages...)
Thursday, April 22, 2010
To Blog or Not To Blog...
While the past few days have been a blast, I realize that perhaps a blog is not the best means of getting everyone involved. A blog requires a voice and though I know everyone has something of value to say, there's an extra step involved in posting something public to the whole interweb (or rather, the 10 people that subscribe to this blog). Yes, it does take a little courage to write something that is completely open to criticism, but at some point you just gotta stop caring and do it. With that said... Ted has strategically suggested a FORUM. So everyone who thought about contributing a post, you still can, but Ted has brought up the point that many people are not the blogging type and would rather quickly drop some one-line comments on things. Thus, the idea of a forum materialized (hehe). This forum will be all encompassing, covering topics from coffee hour kudos to lab equipment borrowing to mat sci parties to roommate finding. This seems perfect, right?! Actually, I really love the idea and am giddy just thinking about it right now, but this still leaves me wondering if there's room for this blog or not. Maybe my original intent was for this to be THE gossip column of the Mat Sci Department, where all secrets would be divulged (actually, not really. Don't think I'm quite that sinister), but the dynamics of a forum are completely different. I mean, when you think of forums, do you think...gossip? No, you think: gaming, LOST, anime, things along those lines. I'm torn and need someone to tell me what to do (doesn't everyone?), but specifically, should we keep this blog going in addition to the forum? Let me know what you think - all 10 of you. =)
[Also, the forum is in the works and it is gonna be awesome. Seriously, I think once we get people going on it, this could be something that continues for generations and generations of mat sci grad students! So watch out for the public unveiling soon...]
[Also, the forum is in the works and it is gonna be awesome. Seriously, I think once we get people going on it, this could be something that continues for generations and generations of mat sci grad students! So watch out for the public unveiling soon...]
What I learned at coffee hour...
...if you say "who's coffee hour was this?" that usually means it sucks.
...lots of people have stuff to say but aren't brave enough to post yet.
...there is a counter/contra? coffee hour. Can't say who, though...hmmmm?
...Matt Johnson still likes Third Eye Blind. (Yes, they were totally cool and we all loved them, but that was 1997. This is 2010.)
To everyone out there...tell people about the blog and post something even if it's only one line!
...lots of people have stuff to say but aren't brave enough to post yet.
...there is a counter/contra? coffee hour. Can't say who, though...hmmmm?
...Matt Johnson still likes Third Eye Blind. (Yes, they were totally cool and we all loved them, but that was 1997. This is 2010.)
To everyone out there...tell people about the blog and post something even if it's only one line!
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
IM Sports Girls, or lack thereof
Who in this department did NOT hear about IM sports on their visit weekend? I'd say that's a NO ONE. EVERYONE heard about it because that's what we recruit people to our department for. The sequence of questions for the prospective students goes something like this: 1. What's your name? 2. Where are you from? 3. Do you play sports? 4. Which research group are you interested in?
Intramural sports are very important to us, and that's why it's really disappointing to see the lack of participation from certain classes. What I really mean is, why is there no co-rec softball team? Why is there only 1 co-rec frisbee team? Why did we scramble to get enough girls for soccer? Don't even get me started on Winter quarter (hockey). Back in the day (meaning 3+ years ago), everyone played IM sports, including almost all the girls. Maybe not everyone played every sport, but everyone played something. Now-a-days, we have to go outside the department to fill the roster. What has happened to us??? This is unacceptable. (Not trying to hate on anyone, but ain't it weird how different things are?)
I truly hope next year's class has girls who will give IM's a shot. Seriously, no skills are required (remember Fire Ants of Doom, aka Harold and the First Years - Hockey Winter 2007? Yeah, we went on to the semi's the 2 subsequent years).
Is this a matter of recruiting the wrong girls? Not enough promo in the fall? Changing priorities of the department? It boggles our minds to this day, so for now, all we can do is reminisce about the past and the once surplus of girls...
Intramural sports are very important to us, and that's why it's really disappointing to see the lack of participation from certain classes. What I really mean is, why is there no co-rec softball team? Why is there only 1 co-rec frisbee team? Why did we scramble to get enough girls for soccer? Don't even get me started on Winter quarter (hockey). Back in the day (meaning 3+ years ago), everyone played IM sports, including almost all the girls. Maybe not everyone played every sport, but everyone played something. Now-a-days, we have to go outside the department to fill the roster. What has happened to us??? This is unacceptable. (Not trying to hate on anyone, but ain't it weird how different things are?)
I truly hope next year's class has girls who will give IM's a shot. Seriously, no skills are required (remember Fire Ants of Doom, aka Harold and the First Years - Hockey Winter 2007? Yeah, we went on to the semi's the 2 subsequent years).
Is this a matter of recruiting the wrong girls? Not enough promo in the fall? Changing priorities of the department? It boggles our minds to this day, so for now, all we can do is reminisce about the past and the once surplus of girls...
Gossip Girl
Yes, this blog will start off with a shout out to "Gossip Girl." My roommate (unnamed) LOVES the TV show "Gossip Girl" and I've recently opened up to it. From my understanding, "Gossip Girl" is a mysterious unseen person who is blogging about high society (rich spoiled teenagers) in Manhattan's Upper East Side. All the gossip is disclosed on this blog and no one is safe. Well, I thought to myself, wouldn't this be a great idea for the Mat Sci department??? *crickets chirping* Ok, you may not see it now, but let's just see where we go with this.
For now, I will keep this open to everyone to post, but we gotta set some ground rules first:
1. No negative rumors, secrets, or gossip. This blog is not a "Burn Book" like in "Mean Girls" (LOVE that movie, btw).
2. If you must speak of professors, just remember, this is public domain!
3. NO NERDY/TECHNICAL POSTS. If you need to get your fix of that, please go elsewhere.
Anyway...PLEASE POST! Post about anything... funny roommate happenings, totally cool awesome mat sci events, your favorite items at coffee hour, cuties/hotties in the lab, IM SPORTS, how many people were sleeping at colloquium, if there's free food in the Mat Sci Office, ask where someone bought their hip lab clothes, rant about the number of emails you get from Bruce, or even practical things (sublease, selling items, lost and found, etc.).
Hope you enjoy this and have a wonderful day in Cook/Tech! =)
You know you love me. X.O.X.O. Steel(?) Girl.
p.s.~ If you want to be added to the contributors list, just let me know. You know where to find me. ;)
For now, I will keep this open to everyone to post, but we gotta set some ground rules first:
1. No negative rumors, secrets, or gossip. This blog is not a "Burn Book" like in "Mean Girls" (LOVE that movie, btw).
2. If you must speak of professors, just remember, this is public domain!
3. NO NERDY/TECHNICAL POSTS. If you need to get your fix of that, please go elsewhere.
Anyway...PLEASE POST! Post about anything... funny roommate happenings, totally cool awesome mat sci events, your favorite items at coffee hour, cuties/hotties in the lab, IM SPORTS, how many people were sleeping at colloquium, if there's free food in the Mat Sci Office, ask where someone bought their hip lab clothes, rant about the number of emails you get from Bruce, or even practical things (sublease, selling items, lost and found, etc.).
Hope you enjoy this and have a wonderful day in Cook/Tech! =)
You know you love me. X.O.X.O. Steel(?) Girl.
p.s.~ If you want to be added to the contributors list, just let me know. You know where to find me. ;)
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