Wednesday, February 20, 2013

3 Month Catch Up

As you, our loyal readers, have surely noticed, the Mat Sci blog has been pretty sparse the past 3 months. This can largely be blamed on MSSA President Emily Hoffman’s policy of blocking the free press in favor of her own propaganda filled government run media. Luckily, we have persevered and overcome the tyrannical MSSA policy. It’s a new year and we promise to keep you up to date with what’s going on in the department…probably.

There have been quite a few events that have been missed in the blogs downtime… including but not limited to:

Thanksgiving- People ate turkey
Hanukkah-People ate kugel
Christmas-People ate gingerbread cookies
Presidential Election-People became either inconsolably depressed or ecstatically happy
New Years- Ball dropped while people danced
Super Bowl- Some team from the east coast won
President’s Day-Nothing
Cultural Food Potluck-Presumably multicultural food was eaten
Board Game Night- Games utilizing boards were played

Oh…and Mike Rawlings got a hair cut

I think we're all caught up now. 

1 comment:

  1. Don't forget Valentine's Day, where, again, people were either inconsolably depressed or ecstatically happy
